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Dictionary Suite
detective a person whose job is to find information that will solve crimes or discover secrets. A detective is often a police officer.
detective story a fictional account of how a crime, usu. a murder, is solved by an amateur or professional detective.
dick (slang) a detective. [1/3 definitions]
plainclothesman a policeman, esp. a detective who wears civilian clothes while on duty.
private eye (informal) a private detective.
private investigator a person whose job is to investigate criminal or secret activity at the request of paying clients; private detective.
Scotland Yard the metropolitan police force of London, esp. the detective branch. [1/2 definitions]
Sherlock Holmes a fictional detective hero in many late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century short stories and novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is described as having extraordinary powers of observation and deduction. [1/2 definitions]
sleuth a detective. [2 definitions]