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attack to start working on with energy and determination; tackle. [1/5 definitions]
autosome any of an organism's chromosomes except the two involved in sex determination.
battle cry a shout or cry of determination or enthusiasm given by troops in battle. [1/2 definitions]
buck2 (informal) to oppose or resist stubbornly or with determination. [1/7 definitions]
buckle to set oneself with determination (usu. fol. by "down"). [1/9 definitions]
daunt to lessen the determination of; intimidate; discourage.
daunting causing or capable of causing hesitation or lessening of determination.
decided with determination. [1/2 definitions]
decision the quality of determination or resolution. [1/2 definitions]
demarcation the determination or marking of boundaries or limits. [1/2 definitions]
determined showing determination.
discipline control or determination brought about by training; self-control. [1/7 definitions]
fact-finding involved in the discovery and determination of the facts. [2 definitions]
fiercely with extreme intensity or determination. [1/3 definitions]
fighter one who has the will or determination to struggle or resist. [1/3 definitions]
forge2 to move ahead gradually but with determination. [1/2 definitions]
gutless (informal) lacking courage or determination.
hammer to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with force and determination on all sides (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/14 definitions]
hammer out to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with energy and determination on all sides.
hardihood strength, vigor, or determination; fortitude. [1/2 definitions]
jellyfish (informal) someone who lacks determination or strength; weakling. [1/2 definitions]