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acrobat a person who performs feats of balance and physical dexterity.
acrobatics (used with a sing. verb) any display of unusual dexterity or precision. [1/3 definitions]
cunning done with skill, dexterity, or ingenuity. [2/4 definitions]
handed of or pertaining to the preference for or dexterity in using one hand rather than the other (usu. used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
heavy-handed not adept or skillful; without dexterity or talent for precision; awkward; clumsy. [1/2 definitions]
juggle to perform tricks that involve great manual dexterity or sleight of hand, esp. to throw and catch three or more objects alternately. [1/8 definitions]
maneuver a movement or change in direction requiring skill and dexterity. [1/8 definitions]
manual training specialized instruction given to develop dexterity of the hands, esp. for various arts and crafts such as woodcarving.
mastership the skill, dexterity, or knowledge of a master. [1/3 definitions]
specialty designating a type of performance that requires special skills such as balance, strength, or dexterity. [1/6 definitions]
stunt2 a feat of skill, dexterity, strength, bravery, or the like, often performed in public. [1/4 definitions]
trick a feat of skill, dexterity, or magic. [1/13 definitions]
unhandy lacking manual dexterity; awkward. [1/2 definitions]