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argyle of a knitted article, having a diamond-shaped pattern of two or more colors. [2/3 definitions]
bort poorly crystallized, low quality diamonds or diamond fragments, used in crushed or powdered form as an abrasive.
carbon a chemical element found in all living things. Pure carbon occurs as diamond or graphite. It is also often found in compounds with other elements. (symbol: C)
crystal a naturally symmetrical or layered solid, such as diamond or quartz, with a regularly repeating three-dimensional atomic, ionic, or molecular structure. [1/7 definitions]
diamond a playing card that has the shape of a diamond or diamonds on it. [2/3 definitions]
diamondback any of several rattlesnakes or turtles having diamond-shaped markings.
first base in counterclockwise order from home plate, the first of three bases marking the infield of a baseball diamond. [1/2 definitions]
first water the highest degree of fineness or purity in a diamond or pearl. [1/2 definitions]
harlequin (often cap.) a clown in Italian popular comedy of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, traditionally masked and dressed in multicolored diamond-patterned tights. [2/3 definitions]
ice (slang) a diamond or diamonds. [1/12 definitions]
infield a baseball diamond, the positions at the four corners of the diamond, or the people playing those positions as a group.
Kohinoor a large Indian diamond that is included in the British crown jewels.
marquise a gem with a pointed oval shape, esp. a diamond, or a ring set with such a gem or gems. [1/3 definitions]
quarry3 something that is in the shape of a square or diamond, esp. a tile or small windowpane.
rhinestone an artificial gem made to resemble a diamond.
right field the section of a baseball field outside the diamond and to the right of home plate. [1/2 definitions]
rock1 a diamond or other gem. [1/4 definitions]
solitaire a single gem, such as a diamond or ruby, in a setting by itself. [1/2 definitions]
sparkler a gem that glitters, esp. a diamond. [1/3 definitions]
turbot a large, flat, diamond-shaped saltwater fish, used for food. [1/2 definitions]