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abase to diminish (something of value) or to place (esp. oneself) in a lower position than another or others; lower; demean.
antipoverty intended to diminish or end poverty.
bate to lessen or diminish; abate. [2/3 definitions]
buffer1 to diminish the undesirable effects of. [1/6 definitions]
clonidine a drug used esp. to treat hypertension and migraine headaches, and to diminish opioid and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
cut to make shorter or less; diminish. [1/12 definitions]
decline to grow weaker or diminish gradually. [1/10 definitions]
decrease to become less in number, amount, size, strength, or the like; diminish. [2/4 definitions]
deduct to lessen, diminish, or detract (usu. fol. by "from"). [1/3 definitions]
deflate to diminish (a person or a person's spirit, confidence, self-possession, or the like). [2/4 definitions]
detract to diminish or take away (often fol. by "from"). [1/2 definitions]
diminishable combined form of diminish.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; diminish; shrink.
fall off to decline, decrease, or diminish.
impair to weaken, damage, or cause to diminish in value or quality.
let up to cease or diminish. [1/2 definitions]
lose to diminish the effectiveness in a particular way. [1/10 definitions]
overshadow to diminish in comparison. [1/2 definitions]
pare to reduce or diminish gradually by or as if by cutting. [1/3 definitions]
remit to lessen or diminish; abate. [1/8 definitions]
slide to diminish, esp. quickly. [1/14 definitions]