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boccie a form of lawn bowling, originating in Italy, played with wooden balls on a long narrow court of dirt, clay, or sand.
broom a long handle with a brush on one end. People use it for moving loose dirt away from floors.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt. [1/2 definitions]
carpet sweeper a long-handled, hand-operated household implement containing a rotating brush that sweeps dirt, lint, and the like from rugs and carpets.
clean to remove dirt or stains from; make clean. [1/2 definitions]
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
clear easy to see through; without color or dirt. [1/4 definitions]
comedo a blockage of dirt and secretions in a skin duct; blackhead.
crud (slang) a coating of dirt, crust, caked filth, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
daub to smear with mud, dirt, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
dig to make a hole by removing dirt, sand, or other material.
dirt any unclean substance such as mud, bits of dirt, dust, or excrement. [1/5 definitions]
dirty making soiled; spreading dirt. [1/10 definitions]
doormat a mat placed in front of or inside a door, on which to remove dirt from shoes or feet. [1/2 definitions]
dust tiny, dry pieces of dirt or other material that is in the air and collects on surfaces. [1/2 definitions]
dustpan a flat pan shaped like a small shovel with an attached handle. It is usually made of metal or plastic. A dustpan is used for gathering up dust or dirt while sweeping with a broom.
earth soil or dirt. [1/3 definitions]
earthen made up of earth, soil, or dirt. [1/2 definitions]
filter a device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases that pass through it. [2 definitions]
foul to make dirty or put dirt in or on. [1/11 definitions]
gook1 (informal) dirt, slime, grime, or sludge. [1/2 definitions]