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Dictionary Suite
Augean extremely dirty or disagreeable; filthy. [1/2 definitions]
bedraggled dirty, wet, or limp from having wandered or been dragged through mud and water. [1/2 definitions]
black dirty or soiled. [1/13 definitions]
clean not dirty. [1/2 definitions]
cleanliness the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.
contaminate to ruin, infect, or make dirty by touching or adding something harmful.
crummy (informal) dirty, shabby, cheap, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
den a dirty, disagreeable place where people live or meet. [1/4 definitions]
dingy dirty or not cared for well. [1/2 definitions]
dirt any dirty material such as mud or dust. [1/2 definitions]
dirty to make dirty; soil. [2/6 definitions]
dishpan a large pan in which dirty dishes, pots, and the like are washed.
do the dishes to take care of dirty dishes by washing and possibly also drying.
do the laundry to wash your clothes or other things that are dirty.
dump (informal) a house, town, or other place that is dirty, run-down, or despised. [1/10 definitions]
duster a lightweight outer garment, designed to prevent clothes from becoming dirty. [1/4 definitions]
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
filthy very dirty or foul; nasty.
foul very dirty or muddy. [2/11 definitions]
frowzy having a slovenly, dirty appearance. [1/2 definitions]
grimy covered or filled with grime; extremely dirty.