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affirmative action a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups.
big brother (sometimes cap.) a man who befriends and guides a disadvantaged boy, often under the auspices of a social agency. [1/3 definitions]
bleeding heart one whose sympathies are considered to be too easily aroused or too ostentatiously displayed on behalf of people who are disadvantaged and suffering. [1/2 definitions]
inner city the neighborhoods in or closest to the center of a city, usu. old, run-down, and inhabited by poor and disadvantaged people.
mainstream to integrate or prepare for integration into the prevailing, dominant, or majority group, esp. the integration of disabled or otherwise disadvantaged persons into regular school classes, jobs, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
mainstreaming the placement of persons who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged into regular school classes, jobs, and the like.
social welfare government services provided for citizens, esp. the underprivileged or disadvantaged. [2/3 definitions]
social work work that promotes the well-being of society, as by assisting the underprivileged or disadvantaged.
underdog one who is disadvantaged or oppressed. [1/2 definitions]
underprivileged not having the privileges and opportunities available to other members of society; disadvantaged.