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abracadabra a nonsense word thought to produce a magical effect such as the warding off of disaster or disease. [1/2 definitions]
act of God in law, a sudden unforeseen event, esp. a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado, that is caused entirely by forces of nature and could not have been prevented.
all clear the signal that an air raid or disaster drill is over.
bailout the act of parachuting out of an airplane to escape an impending disaster. [1/3 definitions]
blow1 a sudden disappointment or disaster. [1/2 definitions]
brinkmanship the practice of seeking advantage by pursuing a dangerous course of action to the brink of disaster.
calamity an event causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disaster.
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
cry havoc to warn of impending disaster.
debacle a sudden collapse into disaster; downfall. [1/3 definitions]
devastate to ravage or lay waste, as by war or natural disaster. [1/2 definitions]
distressed of, pertaining to, or designating an area or neighborhood suffering from widespread poverty or a natural disaster. [1/3 definitions]
doomsayer one who consistently predicts failure or disaster; pessimist.
fatality an occurrence involving death or disaster. [2/4 definitions]
fate ruin; disaster; death. [1/6 definitions]
fateful causing death, disaster, or destruction. [1/4 definitions]
imprecate to invoke (a curse, disaster, or the like) on another.
loot to steal (goods, money, or the like) in times of general disorder, such as during a riot, attack, or in the aftermath of a natural disaster. [1/7 definitions]
natural disaster a disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, or volcanic eruption, that is caused by natural rather than human forces and which destroys life and property.
plague any disaster that affects a large population, esp. a disease epidemic or the sudden influx of harmful insects. [1/6 definitions]
safety net something that provides protection or security against financial or emotional loss or disaster. [1/2 definitions]