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Dictionary Suite
barrage balloon one of a number of anchored balloons from which wires or nets are suspended to discourage low-flying enemy aircraft from attacking military installations or cities.
buffer state a neutral country located between two potentially hostile countries and regarded as helping to discourage war.
chill to discourage or dishearten. [1/16 definitions]
daunt to lessen the determination of; intimidate; discourage.
deject to cause to feel low in spirit; discourage, dishearten, or depress.
deter to stop or discourage from some action by creating doubt or fear.
discourageable combined form of discourage.
dishearten to depress or destroy the hope or confidence of; discourage; dispirit.
dismay to frighten or discourage. [1/4 definitions]
dispirit to take the spirit out of; discourage; depress.
forbidding tending to discourage an approach; likely to be unmanageable; uninviting. [1/2 definitions]
intimidate to discourage, deter, or inhibit, as with an overwhelming display of wealth, power, ability, or perceived superiority. [1/2 definitions]
Laffer Curve a graph illustrating the theory that increasing taxes results in increased government revenue only up to a certain point, after which further tax increases discourage production and investment.
picket a person or group of people posted in front of a business or building to protest policies, and to discourage customers or prevent workers from entering, esp. during a strike. [1/5 definitions]
put off to cause (someone) to turn away; repel; discourage. [1/3 definitions]
secret police a police force that conducts undercover operations designed to discourage opposition to the government.
speed bump a raised concrete or asphalt ridge, as in a parking lot, to discourage speeding.
unnerve to deprive of composure, courage, determination, or the like; disconcert; discourage.