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adduce to cite as evidence or proof; bring to bear in argument or discussion.
airing public exposure, as to discussion, scrutiny, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Alex Haley a U.S. author celebrated for his pulitzer prize-winning work of historical fiction, Roots: The Saga of an American Family (1976), a publication whose subsequent television broadcast adaptation spawned a national discussion about race and race relations (b.1921--d.1992).
apropos in connection with the topic just mentioned or under discussion. [1/4 definitions]
argument an angry discussion by people who disagree.
argumentation a discussion of an arguable or debatable issue. [1/2 definitions]
aside a departure from the main point in a speech or discussion. [1/6 definitions]
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of. [1/2 definitions]
beside the point not important to the main object of interest or discussion.
brainstorming a spontaneous and unrestrained discussion by a group of people for the purpose of generating new ideas or solving problems.
bring in to involve (someone) in a discussion or proceeding. [1/5 definitions]
bring into to cause (someone) to be part of a discussion, conversation, or argument.
bring up to put (a subject or idea) into conversation or discussion. [1/4 definitions]
brouhaha spirited noise, discussion, or confusion among many people; commotion; hubbub. [1/2 definitions]
by the way used to add into a conversation something that is on a different subject. This may simply function as a quick interruption of the original discussion or it may serve to change the direction of the conversation completely.
canvass a close examination or detailed discussion. [1/8 definitions]
chip in to add to a discussion or to interrupt with. [1/2 definitions]
closed not open to further discussion or analysis. [1/6 definitions]
closet to take aside into a private area, as for confidential discussion. [1/3 definitions]
closeted being in a state of privacy that allows secret discussion.
confer to meet for discussion; hold a conference. [1/2 definitions]