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adventurer one who advances by dishonest or ruthless means. [1/3 definitions]
adventuress a female adventurer, esp. one who advances by dishonest or ruthless means.
arriviste one who has recently attained wealth, status, or the like, often in suspect or dishonest ways; parvenu; social climber.
blackguard an unprincipled, dishonest person; scoundrel. [1/2 definitions]
casuistry the fallacious, misleading, or dishonest application of such principles; sophistry. [1/2 definitions]
cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something. [3 definitions]
corrupt to cause to become dishonest or wicked. [1/4 definitions]
cozy convenient or advantageous, esp. for illicit or dishonest purposes. [1/5 definitions]
crooked dishonest or devious. [1/2 definitions]
device a trick or scheme, often for a dishonest, evil, or mischievous purpose. [1/3 definitions]
ill-gotten obtained by dishonest or evil means.
insincere showing false or dishonest feelings or opinions; hypocritical.
juggle a dishonest or deceptive stratagem; ploy; trick. [1/8 definitions]
knavery an act or behavior characteristic of a knave; dishonest dealing; trickery.
knavish characteristic of a knave; dishonest or tricky.
loot goods taken by stealing or other dishonest means. [1/4 definitions]
lying1 deliberately untruthful; dishonest; false. [1/3 definitions]
misconduct poor or dishonest management, esp. by military or government officials. [1/3 definitions]
Ponzi scheme a dishonest investment scheme in which early investors receive artificially high returns from money paid in by later investors, the high returns being publicized to attract further investors.
racket1 dishonest activities by a group of people whose aim is to cheat others of their money. [1/2 definitions]
rascal a dishonest person; scoundrel. [1/2 definitions]