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abominate (informal) to dislike thoroughly. [1/2 definitions]
ah a word used to express surprise, joy, pain, understanding, dislike, and other feelings.
anger strong emotion characterized by indignation, dislike, and belligerence; rage; wrath. [1/4 definitions]
animosity strong dislike or behavior that shows strong dislike.
antagonistic characterized by or showing dislike or hostility; unfriendly. [1/2 definitions]
antipathetic having a fundamental dislike of or aversion to someone or something. [1/2 definitions]
antipathy a deep, continuing dislike; aversion; hatred. [1/2 definitions]
aversion great dislike or disgust; repugnance (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions]
boo a word used to express dislike. [3/4 definitions]
camera-shy having or showing a dislike of being photographed.
cup of tea someone or something that is particularly well liked by or well suited to one (often used in the negative to express dislike).
detest to have a strong dislike for; hate.
detestation strong dislike; hatred; loathing. [1/2 definitions]
disagreeable causing dislike; not pleasant. [1/2 definitions]
disapprove to regard unfavorably; dislike; censure. [1/3 definitions]
disfavor an opinion that is not favorable; dislike or disapproval.
disgust to cause strong dislike or illness in. [2 definitions]
dislikeable combined form of dislike.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
dread to look ahead to with worry or dislike. [1/4 definitions]
hate to dislike very strongly; detest.