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betray to be disloyal to; commit treason against. [1/5 definitions]
betrayed treated in a disloyal or unfaithful manner, often with deception or treachery.
corrupt dishonest, disloyal, unjust, or otherwise immoral. [2/11 definitions]
disloyalty the quality, or an instance or act, of being disloyal, treacherous, or traitorous.
false disloyal or treacherous. [1/7 definitions]
House Un-American Activities Committee a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country. (abbr.: HUAC)
HUAC abbreviation of "House Un-American Activities Committee," a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country.
perfidious purposely disloyal or treacherous; faithless.
recreant not faithful to a cause or set of principles; disloyal. [1/4 definitions]
Sedition Act of 1918 a short-lived amendment to the U.S. Espionage Act of 1917 that listed offenses deemed criminal when the country is at war, including to willfully obstruct military recruitment and to print, write, or publish any disloyal or abusive language about the form of the U.S. federal government.
traitor a person who is disloyal to his or her country, his or her friends, or another group.
unfaithful having violated a promise or obligation; disloyal. [1/3 definitions]