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boot (slang) to dismiss suddenly. [1/10 definitions]
brush off to casually refuse to talk with (someone); quickly dismiss.
cashier2 to dismiss from a position of trust or responsibility, esp. for serious breach of duty.
discharge to fire or dismiss. [1/6 definitions]
dissolve to break up or dismiss (a legislative body or the like). [1/11 definitions]
downplay to dismiss the significance of; minimize.
eject to compel to leave one's place, position, or property; dismiss or evict. [1/3 definitions]
expel to send away or dismiss. [1/2 definitions]
fire to let go or dismiss from a job. [1/5 definitions]
pension to dismiss or cause to retire with a pension (often fol. by "off"). [1/4 definitions]
pooh-pooh to dismiss lightly; belittle.
remove to force to leave a job or position of responsibility; dismiss. [1/4 definitions]
sack1 (slang) to dismiss from a position. [1/7 definitions]
set aside to discard or dismiss (something). [1/4 definitions]
throw out of a law court or similar body, to dismiss or reject (something). [1/7 definitions]