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Dictionary Suite
bequeath to leave or dispose of (property) by a will. [1/2 definitions]
clearance sale a sale of retail merchandise designed to dispose of inventory, as of seasonal stock, usu. at reduced prices.
dispatch to do or dispose of promptly and quickly. [1/7 definitions]
disposition the authority or freedom to dispose of or control. [1/6 definitions]
eliminate to dispose of, remove, or destroy. [1/3 definitions]
embattle to dispose or prepare (troops or a fortification) for battle. [1/2 definitions]
fob2 to dispose of (an item or items) in a deceitful way (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
garnishment a legal notice directing someone not to dispose of a defendant's money or property until the court case involving the defendant is completed. [1/2 definitions]
kick upstairs (informal) to promote (someone) to a seemingly higher-level job having less responsibility, so as to both flatter and dispose of this person.
penis the male sex organ through which sperm is transferred to a female. The penis is also used to dispose of urine.
redispose combined form of dispose.
sell out to dispose of all of one's goods by selling. [1/3 definitions]
settle someone's hash to dispose of or subdue.
superannuate to discard, dispose of, or set aside as out of date, old-fashioned, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
unload to dispose of by selling cheaply or at a loss. [1/6 definitions]
will2 in law, a declaration indicating how one wishes to dispose of his or her property after death. [1/14 definitions]