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Dictionary Suite
aloof showing little interest in or desire to be involved with other people; distant.
ancient of or referring to times in the distant past. [1/4 definitions]
away distant in time or location. [1/6 definitions]
backstreet a minor road somewhat distant from major thoroughfares within a town or city. [1/2 definitions]
bifocal of eyeglasses or contact lenses, having two sections in each lens, one correcting for near vision and one for distant vision. [1/3 definitions]
cable television a form of television in which the sound and picture signals from distant stations are received by a master antenna and then delivered by electrical cable. Cable television typically provides clear reception, access to a large number of channels, and a relatively wide range of programming, whereas conventional television is limited to the reception of signals from local stations.
colonial of or pertaining to a territory ruled by a distant country; of or pertaining to a colony or colonies. [1/5 definitions]
colonize to establish a settlement on (a distant territory) and begin to rule.
colony a place which is under the control of a distant country. People from that country often move to and live in the colony.
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area. [1/2 definitions]
damsel a young woman or maiden, esp., in the distant past, one of noble birth.
DEW line a line of radar stations, located along the seventieth parallel in Canada and the United States, that provides advance notice of approaching hostile aircraft or missiles (acronym for "distant early warning").
extreme at the most distant point or outer limit of. [1/7 definitions]
far distant in space or time. [2/3 definitions]
faraway distant or remote. [2 definitions]
faroff distant in space or time; remote.
far-off at or from a distance; a long way away; distant.
farther comparative of far; more distant. [1/2 definitions]
farthest superlative of far; most distant. [1/2 definitions]
focal length the distance between the optical center of a lens or curved mirror and the far distant point where light rays converge upon an object.
further comparative of far; more distant. [1/3 definitions]