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Dictionary Suite
brackish distasteful; unsavory. [1/2 definitions]
dirty unpleasant; distasteful. [1/10 definitions]
muck dirt or filth, esp. if it is moist and sticky, or something that is considered be distasteful or dirty. [1/7 definitions]
pall2 to become boring or distasteful; cause weariness.
repugnant extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles; disgusting. [1/2 definitions]
repulsive prompting disgust or aversion; distasteful. [1/2 definitions]
scut work (informal) work that is regarded as tedious, menial, dirty, or otherwise distasteful.
sickening disgusting; loathsome; distasteful. [1/2 definitions]
unappealing somewhat distasteful or unattractive; lacking in charm or allure.
unpleasant not pleasant or agreeable; distasteful.
unsavory having an unpleasant taste or smell; distasteful. [1/2 definitions]
yucky (slang) distasteful; disgusting.