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Dictionary Suite
character unique charm or distinction. [1/7 definitions]
commendation something, esp. an award, that confers honor or distinction. [1/2 definitions]
contradistinction distinction by contrast or difference.
decorate to give distinction to, by conferring a medal or other honorific ornament. [1/5 definitions]
decoration a medal, sash, badge, or the like conferred as a mark of honor or military distinction. [1/3 definitions]
diacritical serving to signal a difference or distinction. [1/2 definitions]
differential being, characterized by, or causing a difference or distinction. [1/8 definitions]
dignify to give undeserved distinction to. [1/2 definitions]
discriminate to see a clear difference; make a distinction. [1/2 definitions]
dissimilitude a point of difference or distinction. [1/2 definitions]
distinguish to act in a way that draws special recognition or distinction. [1/4 definitions]
élan distinction; flair. [1/2 definitions]
glory great honor, distinction, praise, or renown. [1/8 definitions]
great of extraordinary quality, ability, or distinction. [2/8 definitions]
hallmark to stamp or imprint with a mark that certifies purity or confers some distinction. [1/4 definitions]
honor a special mark of distinction, such as an award. [4/13 definitions]
laurel (plural) honor or distinction. The ancient Greeks gave crowns of laurel leaves to their heroes. [1/3 definitions]
mystique an aura of mystery, power, or distinction that surrounds a particular person, thing, or activity.
nicety a subtle distinction; fine point.
ordinary without distinction; mediocre or commonplace. [1/5 definitions]
Phi Beta Kappa a national honor society whose members are chosen annually from among undergraduates in the arts and sciences who have achieved academic distinction. [1/2 definitions]