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Dictionary Suite
archbishopric the district or area overseen by an archbishop. [1/2 definitions]
arrondissement an administrative district of some French municipal governments. [1/2 definitions]
at-large election an election in which every voter can vote for candidates to fill any and all vacant positions in a representative body. Unlike a single-member election, in which people can vote only for candidates who represent their particular legislative district, at-large elections allow every person to vote on each vacant position within a governing body.
bailiwick the district, office, or jurisdiction of a British bailiff. [1/2 definitions]
Broadway a major north-south New York City street, part of which is the core of the theater district in midtown. [2 definitions]
canvass to seek votes, contributions, or sales from (a group or a district). [1/8 definitions]
cathedral the main church of a bishop's district. [1/2 definitions]
circuit court a court that can hold sessions in different locations in a judicial district. [1/2 definitions]
circuit rider a clergyman who travels to preach in different parts of an area or district.
constituency the body of voters from a district represented by an elected official. [2 definitions]
D.A. abbreviation of "District Attorney," the government prosecutor of criminal cases for a specified judicial district.
D.C.2 abbreviation of "District of Columbia." [1/2 definitions]
demesne a district, region, territory, or domain. [1/5 definitions]
dialing code the British word for the set of digits at the beginning of a telephone number that represents a telephone district. "Dialing code" has a meaning similar to "area code."
diocese a group of churches or a district under the authority of a bishop.
dist. abbreviation of "district."
district attorney the government prosecutor of criminal cases for a specified judicial district.
district court a U.S. Federal trial court in each judicial district. [2 definitions]
door-to-door conducted or visiting at each home in a given area, such as a political district or sales territory. [1/2 definitions]
Federal Reserve Bank any of twelve central district banks in the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
Gauleiter a leader in control of a Nazi district during World War II. [1/2 definitions]