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Dictionary Suite
allergist a medical doctor whose specialty is treating allergies.
anesthesiologist a doctor who specializes in anesthesiology.
anesthetist a person, usually a doctor or nurse, trained to give gas or drugs that cause lack of sensation or loss of consciousness.
cardiologist a medical doctor who specializes in the workings and diseases of the heart.
checkup an examination of a person or thing to discover if there are any problems. Having a doctor look closely at one's body to make sure one is healthy is one kind of checkup. Having a mechanic look at a car to make sure it is running properly is another kind of checkup.
clinician a doctor who studies or practices medicine by direct observation and treatment, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
D.D. abbreviation of "Doctor of Divinity."
D.D.S. abbreviation of "Doctor of Dental Surgery."
dentist a doctor who takes care of the teeth and mouth.
dermatologist a doctor who specializes in the treatment of the skin.
doc (informal) doctor, esp. as a term of address.
doctorate the highest degree that you get after finishing an advanced program of studies at a university. You can call a person "doctor" after they have earned their doctorate.
doctorless combined form of doctor.
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single doctor or a group of doctors, where patients can come to talk with their doctor or receive treatment when they have an appointment.
Dr. an abbreviation for Doctor. [1/2 definitions]
D.V.M. abbreviation of "Doctor of Veterinary Medicine."
Ed.D. abbreviation of "Doctor of Education."
exam (informal) an examination, such as a test given at school or a physical checkup by a doctor.
eye exam an examination and testing of the eyes' health and vision by an eye doctor or an optometrist, esp. one determining the type and strength of corrective lenses that are needed.
first aid medical help given to a hurt or sick person before they can get to a doctor.
flight surgeon a military doctor trained in aviation medicine.