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Dictionary Suite
bark1 the sound a dog makes. [2 definitions]
beagle a breed of dog. Beagles are small dogs with short legs, drooping ears, and smooth fur that is usually black, tan, and white.
Bedlington terrier one of a breed of dog that has a blue or reddish brown thick fleecy coat, and that resembles a lamb when groomed.
bird dog a dog or breed of dogs used to hunt or retrieve game birds.
bitch a female dog or other female canine.
bloodhound a breed of dog. Bloodhounds are large dogs with baggy skin and long, drooping ears. They have an excellent sense of smell and are used to track people or animals.
Bouvier des Flandres any of a breed of large dog that has a rough coat and pointed ears and was originally used in Belgium for herding cattle.
boxer a breed of dog. Boxers have short hair, a square jaw, and a brown coat. [1/2 definitions]
bulldog a breed of dog. Bulldogs are powerful dogs with short legs, short hair, and very strong, square jaws.
bull mastiff a strong short-haired dog produced by crossbreeding a bulldog and a mastiff.
bull terrier any of a breed of dog developed as a cross between the bulldog and the terrier, having a short, light-colored coat.
canine an animal of the dog family. [1/3 definitions]
Canis Major a constellation in the northern sky that contains Sirius, the brightest of all stars. Canis Major means "Big Dog" in Latin.
Canis Minor a constellation in the northern sky. Canis Minor means "Little Dog" in Latin.
cart a light, two-wheeled, open vehicle drawn by pony or dog and used to transport people. [1/6 definitions]
Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades.
Chihuahua any of a small, usu. short-haired Mexican breed of dog that dates from Aztec times. [1/2 definitions]
chilidog a hot dog topped with chili.
chow2 a Chinese breed of dog. Chows are sturdy dogs of medium size with a thick red or black coat, a black tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
cocker spaniel a breed of dog. Cocker spaniels are small dogs with short legs, a long, soft coat, and long ears.
collie a Scottish breed of dog. Collies are large dogs with long, narrow heads and long hair. They were once raised to herd sheep.