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Dictionary Suite
baby doll a short, loose-fitting dress similar in style to a baby doll nightgown. [2/4 definitions]
cutout something that has been or is made to be cut out, such as a paper doll. [1/2 definitions]
dolly a doll. [1/6 definitions]
kachina among the Hopi Indians, any of various minor deities or ancestral spirits, or a doll, dancer, or dancer's mask representing such a spirit.
Kewpie trademark for a small doll with plump rosy cheeks and large eyes.
limited edition an edition of a book, plate, doll, or other collector's item of which only a specified number of copies are made.
puppet a doll that looks like a person or an animal. Some puppets move by being placed over a hand, and others move by strings held from above.
rag doll a soft, stuffed doll made out of cloth, sometimes homemade and hand-painted.