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atomic cocktail (informal) a dose of a liquid, taken orally, that contains a radioactive substance used in the diagnosis or treatment of cancer.
booster a subsequent dose of a vaccine given to supplement and effectuate the original dose. [1/4 definitions]
capsule a tiny case that holds one dose of medicine. Capsules are made of gelatin and dissolve when swallowed. [1/2 definitions]
dosage the amount or timing of a dose. [1/2 definitions]
dose to administer a prescribed amount, esp. of medicine, to (someone); give a dose to. [1/5 definitions]
draft that which is drunk or inhaled at one time; drink; dose (sometimes spelled "draught"). [1/18 definitions]
injection a measured dose of liquid medicine that is injected into the body. [1/2 definitions]
multivitamin a compound or combination of several vitamins in a single pill, tablet, or dose.
overdose too high a dose of medicine or drugs.
physical tolerance a bodily state in which, with repeated exposure to a drug over time, a higher dose of the drug is required to achieve the same effect.