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Alpha Centauri a double star in the constellation Centaurus, the closest star to the solar system, having a combined magnitude of -0.3.
alum any one of various double sulfates of a trivalent metal and a univalent metal. [1/2 definitions]
bagpipe (often pl.) a musical instrument, played esp. in Scotland, consisting of a double-reed melody pipe and one or more drone pipes that protrude from a flexible leather bag that is inflated through a blowpipe by the breath or by bellows. The pipes are traditionally made of wood.
bass1 the largest stringed instrument of the orchestra, having the lowest range of pitch and played with a bow; double bass. [1/5 definitions]
bass drum a large double-headed cylindrical drum that produces a low, reverberating sound.
bassoon a large low-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a long doubled wooden tube fitted with a slender curved metal tube that terminates in a double-reed mouthpiece.
bass viol see "double bass."
binary star two stars orbiting around a common center of gravity and often appearing as one to the unaided sight or through a telescope; double star.
box pleat a double pleat with edges folded toward each other.
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
cello a large four-stringed instrument of the violin family with a pitch lower than that of the viola but higher than that of the double bass; violoncello.
chesterfield a tailored, single- or double-breasted topcoat having a velvet collar. [1/2 definitions]
claymore a double-edged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders.
contrabass the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass; bass viol. [1/4 definitions]
contrabassoon a bassoon that is larger than the ordinary bassoon and an octave lower in pitch; double bassoon.
countercheck a check that confirms or contradicts another check; double check. [1/4 definitions]
crumhorn an early double-reed wind instrument, the tube of which terminates in a curve or crook.
Cygnus a summer constellation in the northern sky that is shaped like a cross, located between Cepheus and Aquila and containing the bright star Deneb and a double star; Swan; Northern Cross.
dbl. abbreviation of "double."
debit in double-entry bookkeeping, the left-hand side of an accounts ledger, or any entry or sum recorded on the left-hand side. (Cf. credit.) [2/5 definitions]
Dewar flask a thermos container with a vacuum between, and a reflective surface on the interior of, its double walls, used esp. to store liquefied gases at constant temperatures.