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Dictionary Suite
ahem a sound as of clearing the throat, used to attract notice, express doubt, or fill in a pause.
all right without a doubt; certainly; definitely. [1/5 definitions]
alright all right; without a doubt; certainly. [1/4 definitions]
assurance freedom from doubt or timidity; self-confidence. [1/3 definitions]
beyond question without any doubt.
by far without a doubt; indeed.
certain sure; having no doubt. [2 definitions]
certainly without doubt or question. [1/2 definitions]
certitude the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt. [1/2 definitions]
clear to make free of confusion or doubt. [1/14 definitions]
clearly without a doubt. [1/2 definitions]
clear up to make (something) free of confusion, doubt, or obscurity. [1/5 definitions]
cliff-hanger a closely contested game or event, whose outcome is in doubt until the very end. [1/2 definitions]
crush to afflict with humiliation, confusion, or self-doubt, as by criticism or jeering remarks. [1/11 definitions]
definite known without a doubt; certain; sure. [1/2 definitions]
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
deter to stop or discourage from some action by creating doubt or fear.
discredit to put in doubt; cause to be distrusted. [2/6 definitions]
distrust lack of faith or confidence; doubt or suspicion. [1/2 definitions]
doubtable combined form of doubt.
doubtful having or causing doubt. [1/3 definitions]