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baguette a long, thin loaf of bread with a crisp crust, made from a basic, wheat flour dough. The baguette has its origins in France. [1/3 definitions]
baking powder a powder containing sodium bicarbonate and an acidic substance, that serves as a leavening agent in baking by releasing carbon dioxide when mixed with water, thereby causing the dough to rise.
beignet a square-shaped piece of fried dough topped with powdered sugar, sometimes filled with chocolate, cheese, fruit, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
biscuit (chiefly British) a small, thin, crisp, sweet cake baked from stiff dough. [1/4 definitions]
breadboard a board on which baked bread is cut or on which bread dough is kneaded. [1/2 definitions]
calzone an Italian dish consisting of a pizza-dough shell filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, or the like.
cookie a small, sweet, flat or ball-shaped cake baked from stiff dough. [1/3 definitions]
cookie cutter a simple device with a sharp edge that allows one to easily and repeatedly cut dough in the outline of a particular shape.
croissant a roll in the shape of a crescent, made of leavened dough or puff pastry.
cruller a sweet cake made from deep-fried dough, usu. shaped into a ring or twisted into a spiral.
crumb baked with a covering of crumbled dough made with flour, butter, and sugar. [1/6 definitions]
crust the baked dough on the outside of baked goods such as bread, pies, or pizza. [1/7 definitions]
Danish (informal) a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or the like, and usu. drizzled with icing; Danish pastry. [1/3 definitions]
Danish pastry a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or the like, and usu. drizzled with icing.
dough a thick mixture of flour or meal and a liquid such as water or milk that is prepared for baking into bread, cookies, or the like. Dough typically also includes some type of oil or fat. [1/3 definitions]
doughy of or like dough, esp. in being soft and heavy, flabby, pale, or pasty. [1/2 definitions]
drop cookie a cookie made by dropping dough from a spoon onto the baking sheet, rather than by shaping or rolling it.
dumpling a lump of boiled dough, often served in soup with stewed meat. [2 definitions]
egg roll a thin flat square of egg dough that is folded like an envelope around finely chopped raw vegetables and shredded pork or shrimp, and then fried in deep fat.
fortune cookie a hollow Chinese cookie made from a folded circle of thin dough, containing a slip of paper with a proverb, prediction, or the like.
fritter2 a piece of fried dough, often containing bits of fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, and shaped into a small cake.