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act a major division of a drama, esp. of a play or opera. [2/14 definitions]
apostrophe2 esp. in drama, an address to someone absent or imaginary, or to an object or idea.
biopic a biographical film or television program often containing scenes that are fictional in order to fill out the plot and add drama, humor, or suspense to make the real life subject compelling to an audience.
catastrophe the aftermath of the climax in a drama, esp. classical Greek tragedy; denouement. [1/3 definitions]
catharsis in drama, a purging of the audience's emotions. [1/3 definitions]
characterization the creation of convincing, realistic characters in fictional writing or drama. [1/3 definitions]
conservatory a school of music or drama. [1/3 definitions]
corny of drama, foolishly sentimental or unoriginal. [1/2 definitions]
deus ex machina (Latin) god from a machine; in ancient Greek drama, a god brought in by a mechanical contrivance to resolve a plot or complicated situation. [1/2 definitions]
dramatic of, pertaining to, or possessing drama. [1/3 definitions]
dramatically with respect to the qualities of drama. [1/3 definitions]
dramatization the act or process of shaping into the form of a drama. [2 definitions]
dramatize to show or present in the form of a drama. [1/2 definitions]
duologue a conversation between two people or characters, esp. in a drama.
go1 (informal) to say (often used to highlight the exact words that are said and often to imitate what is said in order to bring drama to the reporting). [1/28 definitions]
happening a performance or drama that develops spontaneously and involves audience participation. [1/2 definitions]
interpret to make visible or audible the meaning of (a drama, musical composition, or the like) through performance. [1/6 definitions]
interpretation showing the meaning of music, drama, or something similar through performance. [1/2 definitions]
interpretative of or relating to arts such as music and drama which allow full interpretation through performance. [1/4 definitions]
irony the use of such contrast in drama, as between the actual situation and what the characters understand or say about it, to create suspense or comedy. [1/3 definitions]
kabuki a form of Japanese popular drama using male actors for both male and female roles, and with highly stylized acting, music, and dancing.