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aspirate to remove or draw out by suction, as with an aspirator. [1/5 definitions]
broach to create or enlarge (a hole), esp. in order to draw out liquid, as from a cask. [1/7 definitions]
command to draw out or call for; to capture. [1/7 definitions]
exhale to draw out or off as a vapor; evaporate. [1/4 definitions]
extract to separate or draw out (juice from a fruit, metal from an ore, or the like) by pressure, distillation, or chemical action. [1/9 definitions]
fish to pull or draw out (often followed by "up" or "out"). [1/5 definitions]
slub to draw out and twist (a textile fiber) before spinning. [1/3 definitions]
spin to draw out, twist, and wind, or to make by doing this. [2/8 definitions]
syringe such a device attached to a hollow pointed needle and used medically to draw out measured quantities of body fluids or to inject drugs or the like; hypodermic syringe. [1/3 definitions]
temporize to draw out discussions or negotiations in order to gain time. [1/4 definitions]