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castle in the air a fanciful wish or scheme; daydream; pipe dream.
come true to become a reality, after being only a dream, wish, aspiration, or the like.
daydream something similar to a dream but one that occurs when one is awake. A daydream comes from the imagination and often contains pleasant thoughts and fantasies. [1/2 definitions]
dream to have a dream or vision during sleep. [1/6 definitions]
dreamless combined form of dream.
dreamt a past tense and past participle of "dream."
dreamy like a dream; hazy or indistinct. [1/4 definitions]
fantasize to dream up or create a fantasy about; imagine. [1/2 definitions]
fantasy to imagine, fantasize, or dream. [1/5 definitions]
incubus a frightening dream. [1/2 definitions]
Jacob's ladder in the Bible, a ladder from earth to heaven seen by Jacob in a dream. [1/3 definitions]
nightmare a frightening dream. [2 definitions]
Oberon in medieval English folklore and A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, the king of the fairies and the husband of Titania.
redream combined form of dream.
surrealism (sometimes cap.) an artistic and literary movement of the twentieth century that attempts to depict the subconscious mind with dream imagery, fantastic juxtapositions, and other unusual effects.
Titania in medieval English folklore and A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, the queen of the fairies and the wife of Oberon.