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backstage to or in the areas of a theater stage that are not visible to the audience, esp. the wings and dressing rooms. [1/4 definitions]
banker3 a workbench used by sculptors, masons, or bricklayers for dressing stones or bricks.
bathhouse a structure near a body of water, with dressing rooms for swimmers. [1/2 definitions]
butcher someone who prepares animals for sale as meat by killing or dressing them. [1/6 definitions]
Caesar salad a green salad topped with grated cheese, croutons, and anchovies and a dressing of olive oil, egg, lemon juice, and garlic.
clams casino a dish in which clams, combined with a dressing flavored with garlic and bacon, are broiled on the half shell.
clotheshorse a person excessively concerned with dressing stylishly. [1/2 definitions]
coleslaw a salad made of shredded cabbage and a dressing.
dressing a thick liquid made with oil, vinegar, and other things. Dressing is a condiment.
French dressing in the United States, a bright orange, creamy salad dressing that is made commercially. [2 definitions]
kimono a woman's dressing gown of a similar style. [1/2 definitions]
mayonnaise a thick dressing of oil, vinegar or lemon juice, seasonings, and egg yolks. Mayonnaise is used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.
neat's-foot oil a fatty oil obtained by boiling cattle bones and used as a dressing for leather.
negligee a woman's dressing gown or robe, usu. long, full, and of a delicate, often translucent, fabric. [1/2 definitions]
peignoir a woman's dressing gown.
rémoulade a spiced cold sauce with a mayonnaise base, used as a dressing for salad, seafood, and the like.
Reuben a hot sandwich made with rye bread filled with corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and a dressing.
Russian dressing a salad dressing made of mayonnaise mixed with chili sauce, chopped pickles, and pimentos.
salad a mixture of raw vegetables served with dressing.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food. [1/2 definitions]
slaw a salad of cabbage and dressing; coleslaw.