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abortifacient a drug or other agent used to cause abortion. [1/2 definitions]
acetaminophen a drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever but which does not significantly reduce inflammation.
aconite the drug obtained from the root of monkshood. [1/2 definitions]
acyclovir an antiviral drug used in the treatment of herpes simplex viral infections, chickenpox, and shingles.
addict a person who depends on something, such as a drug, that is usually harmful and cannot be easily given up. [1/3 definitions]
aloe (pl.) a drug derived from the bitter juice of the aloe leaves (used with a sing. verb). [1/2 definitions]
amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
amphetamine a drug that stimulates the central nervous system, depressing appetite and heightening activity.
analeptic a drug that restores strength to the body after a disease or the use of sedatives. [1/2 definitions]
analgesic a drug, lotion, or the like that relieves pain. [1/2 definitions]
anaphylaxis extreme allergic reaction to a substance, typically a foreign protein or drug, following a previous exposure to the same substance.
anesthesia a drug or other agent used to bring about unconsciousness or absence of pain. [1/2 definitions]
anesthetic a drug that causes numbness in the body or loss of consciousness.
antihypertensive a drug or other agent that reduces hypertension. [1/2 definitions]
antimalarial a drug used to prevent or fight malaria. [1/2 definitions]
antiperiodic a drug that prevents the periodic recurrence of disease. [1/2 definitions]
antiseptic a substance or drug used to stop disease or infection.
antispasmodic a drug or other substance that prevents spasms. [1/2 definitions]
arsenical a compound containing arsenic that is used as a drug, herbicide, pesticide, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
aspirin a drug that people use to take away pain and bring down fever.
assay an analysis or examination, esp. of an ore, metal, or drug, to determine its composition, quality, or potency. [1/8 definitions]