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baldpate a brown freshwater duck with a white crown; wigeon. [1/2 definitions]
black duck a dark brown pond duck of northeastern North America. [1/2 definitions]
broadbill any of several birds characterized by a broad bill, such as the shoveler duck. [1/2 definitions]
bufflehead a small North American duck that has black and white feathers and a bushy head.
canvasback a North American wild duck, the male of which has a reddish head and a whitish back.
drake an adult male duck.
duck1 a female duck. The male is often called a drake. [1/2 definitions]
duck3 (pl.) pants, or occasionally other garments, made of duck. [1/2 definitions]
duckling a young duck.
duckwalk to walk while in a squatting position; waddle like a duck.
fowl a wild bird, such as a duck, goose, pheasant, or quail, that is hunted for its meat. [1/2 definitions]
gadwall a widely distributed duck native to North America that has gray or brown plumage.
goose a water bird that looks like a duck but is usually larger, with a longer neck and legs and a more pointed bill. Some geese are raised by farmers, and some are found in the wild. [1/4 definitions]
hadrosaur any dinosaur of the Hadrosauridae family, having a broad, flat snout for grazing; also known as a "duck-billed dinosaur."
mallard a common wild duck. The male has a shiny dark green head and neck.
Muscovy duck a large crested duck of the Western Hemisphere that has been widely domesticated.
oldsquaw a black marine duck with a white breast.
pintail a species of duck, the male of which has a long, pointed tail.
platypus a mammal with a wide bill, a long, flat tail, and webbed feet for swimming. Platypuses live near streams in Australia. They are one of only two kinds of mammals that lay eggs. They are sometimes called duck-billed platypuses.
quack1 the sound that a duck makes. [1/2 definitions]
redhead a North American diving duck, the male of which has a reddish head. [1/2 definitions]