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acoustics the aspects of a room or space that make sounds easy or difficult to hear (used with a plural verb).
a dime a dozen (informal) plentiful and easy to get; common; cheap.
amble to walk at a slow, easy pace.
a piece of cake (informal) something extremely easy to do or accomplish.
apparent easy to see; clear.
bed of roses a condition or situation that is comfortable, easy, or luxurious.
bold easy to notice; attracting attention. [1/5 definitions]
bow2 a knot that is easy to make loose, or a knot used for decoration. [1/2 definitions]
cakewalk something considered to be easy to accomplish or win. [1/5 definitions]
cartridge a special container made to hold film so that it is easy to load into a camera. [1/3 definitions]
cassette a case with film, audio tape, or video tape inside. Cassettes make it easy to load a camera or recorder.
chat to talk in an informal, easy way.
chill out to be relaxed or at leisure; take it easy. [1/2 definitions]
cinch (informal) something simple or easy to do. [1/6 definitions]
clear easy to understand. [1/4 definitions]
clerk a person whose job is to record, organize, and keep information so that it is easy to find. [1/2 definitions]
clipsheet a sheet of paper containing news articles, features, or releases, printed on one side for easy clipping and reprinting.
cocktail table a low table, usu. placed in living rooms within easy reach of surrounding seats, on which drinks and refreshments can be set; coffee table.
coherence the condition of being logical and easy to understand.
comfort a pleasant condition that comes from not having physical pain or from having an easy life with little worry. [1/3 definitions]
common usual; easy to find. [1/2 definitions]