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beneficiary the holder of an ecclesiastical position that guarantees a certain amount of income or property. [1/2 definitions]
benefit of clergy formerly, a special privilege granted to members of the clergy, esp. that they be subject to ecclesiastical rather than secular courts. [1/2 definitions]
Catholicism the theological and moral doctrines, the faith, and the ecclesiastical practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
Church Fathers the ecclesiastical authorities of the early Christian church, whose writings had an authoritative influence on the formation of Christian doctrine.
conciliar of, from, or pertaining to a council, esp. an ecclesiastical council.
cope2 a long ecclesiastical robe worn as an outer garment in processions and the like. [1/2 definitions]
ecclesiastic of or related to the church and clergy; ecclesiastical. [1/2 definitions]
hierarch one who holds a position of authority in a hierarchy, esp. an ecclesiastical one; high priest.
hierarchy a group of ecclesiastical officials in successive rank. [1/4 definitions]
hood an ornamental fold or draping of cloth attached to the shoulders of academic and ecclesiastical gowns. [1/6 definitions]
interdict to forbid or prohibit by legal or ecclesiastical authority. [1/4 definitions]
martyrology the branch of history, esp. ecclesiastical history, dealing with the lives of the martyrs. [1/4 definitions]
metropolitan of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical metropolitan. [1/7 definitions]
nonecclesiastical combined form of ecclesiastical.
presbyterian of, pertaining to, or based on ecclesiastical rule by congregational elders or a body of church elders. [1/3 definitions]
presbytery the churches in the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of such a court. [1/4 definitions]
province an ecclesiastical unit of territory under an archbishop's direction. [1/4 definitions]
rector a clergyman in charge of an ecclesiastical unit such as a parish, college, religious house, or other congregation.
spiritual of or in connection with religious matters and beliefs; ecclesiastical. [1/7 definitions]
synod an assembly of the officers of a given church or denomination for the discussion of church affairs; ecclesiastical council. [1/2 definitions]
temporal1 secular or material rather than ecclesiastical or spiritual. [1/4 definitions]