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Dictionary Suite
bliss religious ecstasy; perfect enlightenment. [1/2 definitions]
dervish someone who belongs to any of several Muslim religious groups noted for their ascetic practices and for dancing and whirling in religious ecstasy.
ecstatic of, concerning, characterized by, or caused by ecstasy. [1/2 definitions]
heaven a state or condition of extreme happiness; bliss; paradise; ecstasy. [1/5 definitions]
mystical of, relating to, or stemming from mysticism or the ecstasy experienced by mystics. [1/3 definitions]
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
rapturous feeling or showing great joy or ecstasy; blissful.
swoon to fall into a state of hysteria, rapture, or spiritual ecstasy. [1/3 definitions]