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Augustan of or relating to a neoclassic period, esp. the eighteenth century in England and its literature. [1/3 definitions]
Brobdingnag in Jonathan Swift's eighteenth-century novel Gulliver's Travels, a land inhabited by giants.
chaconne a slow, formal dance of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries having its origins in Spain or Latin America, or the music composed for such a dance. [1/2 definitions]
chinoiserie (sometimes cap.) an intricate, elaborate style of decoration using Chinese motifs, esp. in eighteenth-century Europe. [1/2 definitions]
Chippendale of, pertaining to, or denoting an eighteenth-century English style of furniture marked by graceful lines and, often, rococo decoration.
classical of or pertaining to formal, composed music of the European tradition and especially to the form of this music originating in the eighteenth century. (Cf. popular, folk.) [1/4 definitions]
commedia dell'arte a type of Italian comedy developed in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries in which masked players depicted stereotyped characters in stock situations.
conversation piece an eighteenth-century genre picture that depicts a group of fashionable people in an appropriate setting. [1/2 definitions]
divertimento a light instrumental chamber composition with several short movements, usu. written in the eighteenth century.
dragoon a heavily armed cavalryman of seventeenth and eighteenth century Europe. [1/3 definitions]
Early Modern English the spoken and written English of about the mid-fifteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries.
enlightenment (cap.) an eighteenth century philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason. [1/2 definitions]
fortepiano an eighteenth-century version of the pianoforte, having a smaller keyboard and more delicate sound.
Friday in the eighteenth-century novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, Crusoe's devoted servant. [1/2 definitions]
frigate a fast, medium-sized, armed sailing vessel used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [1/2 definitions]
Great Vowel Shift a series of shifts in English vowel sounds that took place from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century and changed the vowel system of Middle English into that of Modern English.
Hammurabi a king and lawgiver of Babylonia (about the eighteenth century B.C.).
harlequin (often cap.) a clown in Italian popular comedy of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, traditionally masked and dressed in multicolored diamond-patterned tights. [1/3 definitions]
Hasid a member of a Jewish sect, founded in Poland in the eighteenth century, that emphasizes strict adherence to ritual and joyful worship of God.
Hepplewhite of or concerning a furniture style of late eighteenth-century Europe and America, featuring graceful curves.
hoop skirt a long, full skirt, fashionable in the eighteenth century, that was made to bell out by hoops worn beneath.