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bouncer (informal) a person employed, esp. in a bar, to eject or prevent entry of unauthorized or disorderly patrons. [1/2 definitions]
chuck1 (informal) to forcibly remove or eject (a person) from a place. [1/6 definitions]
cough to bring up or eject by means of coughing. [1/4 definitions]
deport to eject from a country under the law.
disgorge to eject or discharge something. [1/3 definitions]
ejectable combined form of eject.
ejection seat a seat designed to eject from an aircraft during an emergency and parachute to the ground with its occupant.
Heimlich maneuver an emergency technique used to save a person choking on something, such as food. One must stand behind the person choking and wrap one's arms around the person, just below the rib cage. One then presses hard in an upward movement to force air from the lungs. The rush of air should eject the object.
oust to force out; expel or eject, as from a place or position.
spew to eject with force, energy, or enthusiasm. [1/5 definitions]
spit1 to eject saliva or phlegm forcibly from the mouth; expectorate. [3/7 definitions]
spray can a can in which pressurized gas is used to eject the contents of the can as a spray.
vomit to eject some or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth; throw up; regurgitate. [2/6 definitions]