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henry a unit of electrical inductance equal to the inductance of a closed circuit in which current varies at the rate of one ampere per second to produce an electromotive force of one volt.
inductance a circuit or device, such as an induction coil, in which a change in the current generates an electromotive force. [1/2 definitions]
induction the generation of an electric charge, electromotive force, or magnetism by a body with electric or magnetic properties in a nearby body without direct contact. [1/3 definitions]
inductor a device that generates an electromotive force in an electric circuit by electromagnetic induction; coil. [1/2 definitions]
kilovolt a unit of electromotive force equal to one thousand volts. (abbr.: kv, KV)
kv abbreviation of "kilovolt," or "kilovolts," a unit of electromotive force equal to one thousand volts.
millivolt a unit of electromotive force equal to one thousandth of a volt.
ohm a unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistance of a circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt produces a current of one ampere.
photovoltaic cell a cell that produces electromotive force when it is exposed to radiation, esp. light; solar cell.
potentiometer an instrument that measures or controls electric potentials or electromotive forces by reference to a known or standard voltage.
self-induction the creation of an electromotive force in a circuit by a varying current in that circuit.
three-phase of, designating, or pertaining to an electrical circuit, system, or device powered by three alternating electromotive forces that differ in phase by one-third of a cycle, or 120 electrical degrees.
volt1 a unit of electromotive force equal to the force that carries one ampere of current through one ohm resistance. (abbr.: V)
voltage electromotive force or potential difference, measured in volts.
W4 abbreviation of "watt," or "watts," a unit of electrical power equal to the current of one ampere produced by the electromotive force of one volt, or to one joule per second.
watt a unit of electrical power equal to the current of one ampere produced by the electromotive force of one volt, or to one joule per second. (abbr.: w, W)