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Apple a multinational company that sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.
Aquadag in electronics, trademark for the graphite coating on the inside of some cathode ray tubes.
avionics (used with a sing. verb) the study or science of the application of electricity to flying; aviation electronics.
chip1 in electronics, a microchip. [1/10 definitions]
electronic of or relating to devices, circuits, or systems based on electronics. [1/2 definitions]
feedback in electronics, the return of part of the output of a device or system to the input, so as to reinforce or modify the input. [1/6 definitions]
fidelity in electronics, accuracy in reproducing or transmitting sounds or images. [1/3 definitions]
interfere in physics and electronics, to generate interference, esp. with another wave or signal. [1/5 definitions]
leak in electronics or electrical transmission, the loss of electrical current, usu. resulting from inadequate insulation. [1/10 definitions]
microelectronics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of electronics dealing with the development of miniature electronic circuits and their uses.
Nintendo a multinational, consumer electronics and video games company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan.
noise in electronics, a random, meaningless, or interfering signal. [1/6 definitions]
quartz crystal in electronics, a thin plate or rod that is cut from quartz, ground, polished, and finished in such a way that it vibrates at a specific frequency.
reactance in electronics, one of several measurable components of the total resistance in a circuit to the flow of alternating current.
Rochelle salt a colorless, saltlike, crystalline compound used in silvering mirrors, in making baking powders, as a laxative, and in electronics.
technetronic relating to or marked by the use of technology and electronics to solve social, political, or economic problems.
-tron instrument or device (used esp. in electronics and nuclear physics).
vacuum tube an electron tube, formerly used in radio and electronics, from which the air has been evacuated, enabling electrons to move freely within the vacuum.
variometer in electronics, a variable inductor consisting of two coils, the positions of which may alter the electromagnetic inductance. [1/2 definitions]
wafer in electronics, a small thin piece of semiconducting material on which transistors or integrated circuits are produced. [2/6 definitions]