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cage a similar structure that carries or protects people, such as an elevator car or a bank cashier's cage. [1/4 definitions]
car an enclosure for carrying people, such as an elevator car. [1/3 definitions]
dumbwaiter a small, sometimes hand-operated elevator that is used for transporting items such as food or garbage between floors of a building.
elevator a grain storage structure equipped to lift and pour out grain; grain elevator. [1/2 definitions]
hoist ropes and pulleys, or an elevator, used for lifting heavy or large loads. [1/2 definitions]
walkup an apartment or office located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator. [1/2 definitions]
well2 a vertical space within a building that extends through its floors and contains the stairs, an elevator, or heat and air shafts. [1/7 definitions]