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air one's dirty linen in public to make public embarrassing or shameful private facts about oneself or others.
blooper esp. in radio and television, an embarrassing or amusing error in speech or action. [1/2 definitions]
contretemps an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance.
cornered in an awkward, embarrassing, or dangerous position from which escape is difficult. [1/2 definitions]
cover up to conceal (something damaging or embarrassing).
difficulty (often pl.) financial or other distressing or embarrassing trouble. [1/6 definitions]
disembarrass to rid or free (someone) from something embarrassing, frustrating, burdensome, or the like; relieve.
embarrassment the act or an instance of embarrassing someone. [1/3 definitions]
in chancery in an embarrassing or helpless situation. [1/2 definitions]
kettle of fish (informal) an awkward, difficult, or embarrassing situation.
leave in the lurch to abandon (someone) in an embarrassing or difficult position.
mess a confusing, embarrassing, or troublesome state of affairs. [1/11 definitions]
messy unpleasant, complicated, or embarrassing. [1/2 definitions]
put-down (informal) a comment or action that has the intent or result of embarrassing, humiliating, or rejecting someone. [1/2 definitions]
scene an emotional outburst or other embarrassing or disturbing display. [1/8 definitions]
scrape a difficult or embarrassing situation; predicament. [1/13 definitions]
shame emotional pain brought about by the knowledge that one has done something wrong, embarrassing, or disgraceful. [1/8 definitions]
slip1 a serious or embarrassing misstep or mistake. [1/18 definitions]
slip up to make a serious or embarrassing error; blunder.
spot an uncomfortable or embarrassing position. [1/13 definitions]
wash one's dirty linen in public to make public embarrassing or shameful private facts about oneself or others.