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Dictionary Suite
ad a short form of "advertisement," a public notice that tells people about products for sale, events, employment opportunities, or the like.
affirmative action a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups.
application a request, usu. written, for admission, employment, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
apply to make a formal request, often for employment or permission to enter an institution. [1/2 definitions]
child labor the full-time employment of children under a minimum age specified by law.
Civil Rights Act in the U.S., any of several laws intended to protect civil rights, esp. the landmark law passed by Congress in 1964 that aimed to protect the constitutional right of all citizens to vote and to prevent racial discrimination in places of employment, public facilities, public accommodations, and the like.
colorist a painter whose employment of color is a principal means of artistic communication. [1/2 definitions]
duty the requirements associated with one's employment or position. [1/5 definitions]
emolument profit or compensation from one's position or employment, such as salary or fees.
employ position of service; employment. [1/4 definitions]
fire to dismiss from a position of employment. [1/14 definitions]
hiring hall an employment office or center, esp. one where a union places applicants in positions according to their seniority as union members, or by the principle of rotation.
keep on to continue to give employment to (someone). [1/2 definitions]
lay off to stop a person's employment, usually because there is not enough work.
longevity length of service, employment, tenure, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
maternity leave an allowed time of absence from one's employment because of having given birth to a child.
migrant a person who travels from place to place to find employment, esp. a farm worker. [1/3 definitions]
migrate to change habitat or location periodically as in response to changes in climate or employment opportunities. [1/2 definitions]
nonemployment combined form of employment.
occupational of or pertaining to one's occupation, profession, or place of employment.
office employment in an official capacity. [1/8 definitions]