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Dictionary Suite
breast to face, meet, or encounter; confront. [1/6 definitions]
brush1 a quick, light touch or short encounter. [1/6 definitions]
come across to discover or encounter by chance. [1/3 definitions]
discover to see or witness due to a chance encounter or deliberate search; find. [1/3 definitions]
experience to undergo or encounter; feel or know. [1/6 definitions]
find to encounter, come upon, or meet, esp. unexpectedly. [1/8 definitions]
happen to encounter by chance (usually followed by "on" or "upon"). [1/4 definitions]
hear of to encounter (something) through hearing or some other form of communication, often resulting in a feeling of slight familiarity. [1/2 definitions]
meet1 to come face to face with; encounter. [1/8 definitions]
meeting the act of coming face to face; encounter. [1/3 definitions]
moment of truth any critical or decisive moment of testing, encounter, discovery, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
on near to, as in an encounter. [1/20 definitions]
one-night stand (informal) a sexual encounter between two people that occurs only once. [1/2 definitions]
promiscuity a promiscuous sexual encounter. [1/3 definitions]
reencounter combined form of encounter.
run across to encounter by chance.
run into to encounter (something) unexpectedly. [1/2 definitions]
scrimmage a preliminary or minor encounter between enemy troops; skirmish. [1/5 definitions]