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adversary a person, group, or thing that is against another; opponent; enemy.
antagonist a person who fights against another; an enemy or competitor. [1/2 definitions]
antagonize to make an enemy of.
antiaircraft designed for defense, esp. by ground-based weapons, against enemy air attack. [2 definitions]
antichrist an enemy of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
antimissile a ballistic device used in defense against enemy missiles. [1/2 definitions]
archenemy a chief or principal enemy. [1/2 definitions]
bad guy (informal) the villain or enemy in a fictional story. [2/4 definitions]
barrage balloon one of a number of anchored balloons from which wires or nets are suspended to discourage low-flying enemy aircraft from attacking military installations or cities.
beachhead the initial position or area that invading troops try to secure when landing on an enemy shore. [1/2 definitions]
besiege to surround with enemy forces; lay siege to. [1/2 definitions]
betray to help the enemy of; commit treason. [1/2 definitions]
camouflage a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surroundings. The military uses camouflage to hide people, buildings, or vehicles from the enemy. [1/2 definitions]
catapult an ancient weapon used to throw objects, such as large stones or arrows, at an enemy. [1/4 definitions]
claymore mine a mine, planted in the ground, that is designed to explode in a fanlike array of fragments in the path of an enemy force.
collaborate to cooperate or work with an enemy force, esp. one occupying one's own country. [1/2 definitions]
collaboration the cooperative effort by persons or organizations with an enemy force, esp. one occupying one's own country. [1/2 definitions]
collaborationist one who willingly gives aid to an invading or occupying enemy force.
combat fighting, especially against an enemy in war. [1/2 definitions]
commando a small, specially trained military unit used for surprise assaults on enemy-held territory. [1/2 definitions]
contraband during the American Civil War, a slave under the Confederacy who fled to or was taken into territory occupied by Union forces. Such fugitive slaves were, in a sense, free, in that they were not returned by the Union to Confederate slave owners. Instead, however, they were declared captured enemy war materials, or "contraband of war." Thousands of contrabands worked as paid, though exploited, laborers for the Union. [1/5 definitions]