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accelerator in nuclear physics, a device that creates high-energy particles by acceleration through electrostatic or electromagnetic means, used for research. [1/3 definitions]
acid rain rain that has high acidity because of being mixed with pollutants such as vehicle exhausts and residues from burning of fossil fuels for energy or from chemical manufacturing.
act to do something with purpose or energy. [1/4 definitions]
active always doing something; busy; full of energy. [1/2 definitions]
addict one who very much enjoys a hobby or interest and spends a lot of time and energy on it. [1/3 definitions]
ADP a biochemical compound involved in the storing and releasing of energy in all living cells; adenosine diphosphate. (Cf. ATP.)
alive full of energy. [1/3 definitions]
alternative energy any form of energy other than that which comes from fossil fuel.
alternative energy source any source of energy other than fossil fuel.
animate lively; full of energy. [1/6 definitions]
arduous of great energy or vigor; strenuous. [1/3 definitions]
atomic having to do with atoms or energy from atoms.
atomic age (often cap.) the period in history characterized by the development and use of atomic energy in the generation of electrical power and for immensely destructive weapons.
atomic bomb a very destructive bomb; atom bomb. Its power comes from the great amount of energy released when atoms are split.
atomic energy the energy that is released by atoms in nuclear reactions. [2 definitions]
ATP a biochemical compound that serves to store energy in all living cells; adenosine triphosphate. (Cf. ADP.)
attack to start working on with energy and determination; tackle. [1/5 definitions]
bang (informal) a sudden burst of energy or motion. [1/9 definitions]
basal metabolism the minimum expense of energy that is necessary for life in a resting organism.
BeV a unit of energy equal to one billion electron-volts. [1/2 definitions]
biorhythm the use of such cycles in human beings to attempt to predict cycles of behavior, energy level, and the like. [1/2 definitions]