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absorb to strongly involve or engage. [1/3 definitions]
amorous generally inclined to feeling romantic love, or inclined at a particular time to engage in romantic or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
arbitrage to engage in arbitrage. [1/3 definitions]
arm-wrestle to engage in arm wrestling.
at swords' points mutually hostile and likely to engage in combat; antagonistic.
banter to engage in banter. [1/3 definitions]
battle to engage in a battle or fight. [1/5 definitions]
bet to engage with another in such an agreement to give (usu. money). [1/7 definitions]
bicker to engage in a petty quarrel; squabble. [1/2 definitions]
book to reserve or engage for use or services; make an appointment for. [2/13 definitions]
brainstorm to engage in a method of problem-solving or idea-gathering in which members of a group freely and spontaneously offer their thoughts and suggestions. [1/6 definitions]
business the buying and selling activities of a company or other commercial institution, or the dealings that customers engage in with an institution. [1/6 definitions]
cannibalize to engage in cannibalism. [1/4 definitions]
carry on to engage in a love affair. [1/4 definitions]
chitchat to engage in chitchat. [1/3 definitions]
CO3 abbreviation of "conscientious objector," a person who refuses, for moral or religious reasons, to participate in military service or to engage in warfare.
collar to insistently engage (a reluctant person) in conversation. [1/7 definitions]
concern to engage or interest (oneself) (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/7 definitions]
conscientious objector a person who refuses, for moral or religious reasons, to participate in military service or to engage in warfare.
copulate to engage in the physical joining of sexual organs for the depositing of sperm.
couple to engage in sexual intercourse; copulate. [1/6 definitions]