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block a piece of wood, stone, or the like to be used for engraving. [1/19 definitions]
burin a pointed tool with a round handle, used for engraving metal or carving stone.
collodion in chemistry, a thick solution of pyroxylin suspended in alcohol and ether, used in producing photographic film, in cementing surgical bandages and sealing wounds, and in engraving and lithography.
drypoint an engraving technique, used esp. on copper, in which furrows are incised with a hard steel needle so as to leave a burr at the sides for a softer outline. [1/2 definitions]
enchase to decorate (an article), as by engraving or inlaying. [1/2 definitions]
engraving the act, art, or procedure of carving into a surface or engraving. [1/2 definitions]
gules the color red in heraldic arms, indicated in an engraving by vertical lines.
hatch3 one of several fine lines drawn to shade a drawing or engraving. [1/2 definitions]
hatching the drawing or engraving of fine lines close together, used in shading or contour modeling. [1/2 definitions]
mezzotint a method of engraving on roughened copper or steel by scraping and polishing areas to produce effects of light and shade. [2/3 definitions]
micrograph a device for doing very small writing, engraving, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
photogravure the photographic process of intaglio engraving. [1/3 definitions]
plate an illustration or engraving in a book, often full-page and in color. [1/10 definitions]
potassium bromide a white crystalline compound used in photography, spectroscopy, engraving, and medicine.
reproduction proof a proof of type, an engraving, or the like, made for photographic reproduction, usu. on glossy paper.
shading marks used to darken parts of a drawing, painting, or engraving to indicate varying degrees of light or shades of color. [1/3 definitions]
stipple to render part or the whole of (a painting, drawing, or engraving) in dots, points, or dabs. [2/3 definitions]
stylus a pointed instrument used for writing, or for cutting, engraving, or punching writing or tracing on or into a surface. [1/2 definitions]
superscription the act of writing, marking, or engraving on the outer surface or top of something. [1/2 definitions]
tint in engraving, the effect of shading produced by fine lines. [1/6 definitions]
wood block a block of wood on which a woodcut or wood engraving is made.