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bask to experience and enjoy approval or favor. [1/3 definitions]
beverage any liquid for drinking that people enjoy. Juice and wine are beverages.
carpe diem (Latin) seize the day; the attitude or advice that one should enjoy today without thought for tomorrow.
celebrate to honor something or make it special by giving gifts or doing things that people enjoy.
dine to eat and enjoy as part of a dinner (fol. by "on"). [1/3 definitions]
drink a liquid that you take in through your mouth as something to enjoy or because you are thirsty. [1/4 definitions]
eat up to enjoy with great enthusiasm. [1/5 definitions]
eloquent using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
get down (informal) to enjoy oneself without inhibition. [1/7 definitions]
have to take in, enjoy, or participate in. [1/9 definitions]
have fun to enjoy oneself, usually while doing something purely for pleasure or entertainment rather than while doing something that requires effort.
lark2 to have a good time; enjoy oneself (often fol. by "about"). [1/4 definitions]
like2 to find pleasure in; enjoy. [1/2 definitions]
live it up to enjoy oneself in an unrestrained or carefree way.
love to enjoy very much or have a strong interest in. [1/5 definitions]
pair two persons who are married, engaged, living together, or who enjoy common interests or activities. [1/10 definitions]
produce to put together and present for the public to enjoy. [1/5 definitions]
relish to take great pleasure in; enjoy. [1/3 definitions]
resign to accept something one does not like or enjoy. [1/2 definitions]
savor to enjoy the taste or smell of. [1/6 definitions]
share to receive, use, or enjoy together with one or more others. [2/7 definitions]