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abundance an amount that is more than enough; a very plentiful quantity. [1/2 definitions]
abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
acceptable good enough for someone to accept.
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
adequate enough; as much as needed.
afford to have enough money for; be able to pay for.
allow to permit by not paying close enough attention. [1/5 definitions]
all right well enough but not perfect. [2/3 definitions]
aplenty sufficiently enough; in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
approximate guessed at, but with enough knowledge to make a pretty good guess; estimated. [1/2 definitions]
bare only just enough; mere. [1/5 definitions]
bench a seat, often without a back, that is long enough for two or more people. [1/6 definitions]
beneath not good enough for. [1/4 definitions]
billfold a folding case for carrying paper money, often of leather and usu. small enough to fit into a pocket; wallet.
blend to mix enough so that there no longer seem to be separate parts or ingredients. [1/4 definitions]
bloodless without, or as without, blood or enough blood; pale. [1/3 definitions]
boil1 of a liquid, to produce bubbles of water vapor when heated to a high enough temperature. [1/5 definitions]
bounce (informal) to be returned to you by a bank because there is not enough money in your checking account. [1/2 definitions]
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [1/2 definitions]
careless not cautious or attentive enough; negligent (often fol. by "with," "about," or "in"). [1/5 definitions]
carrel a cubicle large enough for one reader, often in or near the stacks of a library.